He could see the tiny dark point of every shaven hair of the beard.
And she'd been plain-faced and unsophisticated with her almost shaven hair and beak of a nose, as well.
Law-enforcement officials have said the shaven hair and box cutters raised suspicious that the men might have been part of a hijacking team.
Homage to the wearer of braids, and to him of shaven hair.
He was a bullet-headed child whose shaven hair showed that he had recently been sent to the cleansing station as verminous.
The individual had a thick Vandyke beard, and his closely shaven black hair hugged his head in an eccentrically cut pattern.
Closely shaven hair has a sharp edge that can penetrate the skin, resulting in inflammation and swelling.
He kept his sparse facial hair self-consciously clean shaven and had no scar or other feature, as yet, to set him apart in a crowd.
It also refers to the regrowth of shaven hair, when it is short and has a rough, abrasive texture.
Dark hair, dark blue eyes, clean shaven, five foot ten or whatever it is.