Shaving products account for 29 percent of sales and 52 percent of operating profits.
But analysts said that some of the growth in the company's biggest moneymakers, shaving products, had resulted from the strength of foreign currencies against the dollar.
Shaving products represent 29 percent of the company's $10 billion in annual revenues and more than half of its operating profits.
Consumer lines, led by Listerine mouthwash and Schick shaving products, had stronger domestic sales in an improving American economy.
Shaving products.
Shaving products account for 29 percent of the company's $10 billion in annual revenues and 52 percent of operating profits.
In October, the board adopted controls on hairsprays, air fresheners, shaving creams, nail polish removers and other products using hydrocarbons as solvents and propellants.
Their use by men is less frequent, but see shaving products, soap, shampoo and anti-perspirant.
Shaving products and other grooming aids for men also will be explored in this exhibition.
Gillette also sells Oral-B dental products and Braun shaving products.