The band changed its style to psychedelia and its name to Dream, who, not sure what a "freak-out" was, invented their own with shaving foam and confetti.
I use Palmolive shaving foam (sometimes Ted Lapidus, if I'm feeling extravagant), rather than soap.
I allow myself such luxuries as Gillette shaving foam, Robertson's marmalade and four bottles of Evian water.
Records of how it was kept stocked: stuff for the bathroom, toothpaste, shaving foam.
Shaving foam is jammed because the bubbles are tightly packed together under the isotropic stress imposed by atmospheric pressure.
Too much surfactant would make too much foam, and you'd end up with a texture more like shaving foam or mousse.
The latter playfully dabs shaving foam on Jackson's cheek, despite the fact that the younger man does not need a shave.
How time flies, Wullie said, picking a piece of shaving foam out of his son's ear.
They also left a caustic message in shaving foam on the bathroom mirror.
They were allowed one bar of soap per month, and men had to make one tube of shaving foam last five months.