However, the shattered fragments of shining quartz were held together by the substance that had filled every crack and fault line in the ore.
However, after a certain amount of time, it reverts back to its shattered fragments until Yusuke replenishes it by touching its Amadam.
This was the only piece large enough to inspect; the other shattered fragments lay jumbled together in a box nearby.
That was why distributed network programs were used to recognize faces for security systems, or to assemble the shattered fragments of archaeological pottery.
They hope to acquire the shattered fragments of the seed, for they contain residual magic.
The sparkling drops, the shattered fragments, the glowing chips of priceless crystal, seemed to fill the whole hut with a burst of sunlight.
Even when they came upon several areas littered with shattered fragments of bone-which the porters found frightening-Kruger was not concerned.
I found it on the mountainside, one of many shattered fragments, and last winter, working by the light of seal oil, I fashioned it.
Eric repeated, the shattered fragments of his life suddenly coalescing into a rage that surpassed all the anger he had ever felt before.
Synthesis arrives sometimes as sheets of legato, sometimes in tiny, shattered fragments.