Boston College has three more days to rebuild its shattered confidence.
Lois found the Wizard, who was now homeless and unable to perform acts of magic due to his shattered confidence at not being believed that he was responsible for Superman's disappearance.
At the sessions, he beseeched his wife to help him regain his shattered confidence.
Children are departing games with shattered confidence, crushed self esteem and feelings of uselessness.
M'barak turned to grin at Moreta, his shattered confidence restored by the spontaneous greetings and goodwill.
The message, delivered by Charles Mann, the Redskins' veteran defensive end, planted seeds of doubt that would sprout into misgivings and finally into shattered confidence by the third quarter.
While a larger police force is a necessary first step, however, it is hardly sufficient to restore shattered public confidence.
The racing tinkle of merciless notes, sharp as shattering glass, gave him no time to recover his shattered confidence.
By now he had pulled himself to his feet, trying to assemble some measure of his shattered confidence.
Still bearing physical and emotional scars, he hopes the trip will hone his old skills and restore his shattered confidence.