Since then there has been increased investment in reconstruction projects and the shattered city of Groznyy is being rebuilt.
Following the catastrophe itself, however, Melcene was a shattered city' destroyed by earthquake and lying no more than a league from the new coast.
The crew was sent ashore to lend assistance to the shattered city.
Much of Beirut was still a building site, while contractors attempted to rebuild the shattered city in the long aftermath of the civil war.
We were making our way warily through the shattered city.
The shattered cities were shown from Mother's archived images in the knowledgebase.
To achieve this, she'll need your help to rebuild a shattered city and lead the army into battle.
The record of his year in the shattered city, Naples '44, is perhaps the most wholly successful of his books.
They turned to take a last look at the shattered city before going down to be of what help they could.
What will become of England, with none left to rebuild her shattered cities!