The first had torn through his right shoulder, and the second had shattered his jaw.
But their friendship didn't stop Jordan from smashing Reeves's face mask and shattering his jaw once during practice.
He might shatter her ribs, or her jaw.
Ivan kicked out, shattering the man's jaw, knocking him back into the mob.
Had the blow landed squarely, it would have shattered Cranston's jaw.
His next blow was a left hook, which shattered the man's jaw and lifted him right off his feet.
An unidentified assailant fired three shot-gun blasts, shattering his jaw and driving him off the road.
Her fist shattered his jaw, sending a spurt of blood splashing across Gerald's hair.
Her head rocked and he knew the impact had shattered her thin jaw.
The second time he had his jaw shattered by a fastball and, eventually, was out of action for five weeks.