Six minutes after his arrival, having received a sharply worded briefing from General Jobert, he was reduced to complete silence.
Justice Brown, an African-American, has given some fiery conservative speeches and written sharply worded judicial opinions.
The contentious end suited deliberations that included shouting matches and sharply worded notes to the judge.
Are there lasting rifts sparked by sharply worded dissents?
It was a sharp question, sharply worded.
The sharply worded closing remarks reflect growing outrage.
For several days they had not even done that; they had communicated by sharply worded letters and newspaper articles.
Even when fundamental disagreements are expressed in sharply worded opinions, they said, justices do not take it personally.
The manager, without any apparent investigation, has written sharply worded letters threatening eviction, essentially taking the side of the complainant.
In sharply worded editorials recently, both publishers have tried to brand their rivals as opportunistic outsiders.