Sharply delineated roles in the West have kept the military out of the domestic political sphere.
It was a clear night, the constellations sharply delineated.
Although the sisters' personalities are sharply delineated, their motives often remain mysterious.
Then quite suddenly the scene was sharply delineated.
Assange saw these events in sharply delineated moral terms, yet the footage did not offer easy legal judgments.
Genetic studies published in 2006 and 2008 show several sharply delineated clades that may represent separate species.
Yet I had to admit that they had always been apropos, sharply delineated, and true to the letter.
The surface consists of sharply delineated, convoluted ridges with valleys in between.
He moved among them, his landsman's stride sharply delineated from the rolling gait of the fishermen.
The other map was a huge one, sharply delineated, with all markings in neat Cyrillic characters.