The 1986 Tax Reform Act sharply circumscribed deductions from charitable gifts of property.
These laws sharply circumscribe any non-governmental political activity: street demonstrations, non-approved political organizations, and un-registered financial donations are formally banned.
Nevus (or naevus, plural nevi or naevi, from nævus, Latin for "birthmark") is the medical term for sharply circumscribed and chronic lesions of the skin.
The law sharply circumscribed any non-governmental political activity: street demonstrations, non-approved political organizations, and unregistered financial donations were banned.
His style is described as "sharply circumscribed": all his poems are isometric and octo- or decasyllabic.
The House last week approved legislation that would sharply circumscribe not just lobbying efforts, but also all other attempts to influence public policy at the national, state or local level by recipients of Federal grants.
On gross pathological examination, they are solid, sharply circumscribed and pale yellow-tan in colour.
The paragangliomas appear grossly as sharply circumscribed polypoid masses and they have a firm to rubbery consistency.
But their options remain sharply circumscribed.
But their choices remain sharply circumscribed, limited by the strength of their Sandinista adversaries, and on the other side, by pressure from the United States and anti-Sandinista guerrilla groups.