The company, which provides an online service that helps groups organize and meet offline, has seen a sharp upturn in business this quarter.
International Japan reported a sharp drop in unemployment, showing signs of a sharper upturn for the economy than economists had expected.
Europe's oil prices are rising and there is a recent sharp upturn in refining profits.
For the near future, economists see the economy plodding along, without sharp upturns or downturns.
Then the Government compounded the problem by optimistically predicting a sharp upturn in revenue.
With a sharp upturn it began to climb in a high angle.
There was a sharp upturn in 1987 when 141,530 houses were sold.
In the first two quarters of the 2009 financial year, the US financial sector made a sharp upturn.
Their noses took a sharp upturn just at the tip.
And in the last six months, there has been a sharp upturn in the number of singles to sell more than a million copies.