Edna, herself, must have attended to the inside bolts, for there were sharp thumps when they went into place.
Suddenly a machine gun opened up from inside the radio station, followed by the sharp thumps of a grenade launcher.
Five sharp thumps from above, as Doifuzan knocked on the cover over the shaft.
In panic, Claire gave Kitty's chest a sharp thump.
The report came like a sharp thump, followed by a small whiff of dark smoke.
Twenty seconds later a sharp thump sounded through the water.
Without waiting, he grounded the butt of his staff with a sharp thump, and the white wood sprang into glowing life.
A series of sharp thumps followed, and the stall door's hinges began to give way.
We hear a sharp thump, followed by a scream that even closed windows cannot muffle.
"Released, sir-" At that moment, Crane felt a sharp thump beneath his feet.