In the alcove nothing moved but Angina's sharp black silhouette.
What Jenette could see of herself was thrown into sharp silhouette.
Kurt said clearly as the images coalesced into a single sharp silhouette.
I saw it scramble into the deep shadow under the capstone-I saw its silhouette sharp against the bright green beyond.
He was a sharp silhouette in a long dark coat, his face a white flash.
He was outlined against the sky for a dramatic moment, the clean lines of his aristocratic face in sharp silhouette.
Enough, however, to make out the sharp, straight silhouette of a rifle barrel, the orange sun careening off its black steel.
A figure was standing in front of the door, a sharp black silhouette against the light.
Both forts stood out clearly against the western sky, sharp black silhouettes until the sun cleared the eastern horizon.
Viewed against a typical sky background, the aircraft was in sharp silhouette, visible and conspicuous from a great distance away.