The robot's brief hesitation ended in a sudden yowl, joined instantly by a series of sharp detonations, coming from the nearby forest.
There was a sharp detonation as the terrific electic bolt started the bit of fuel in the trigger-tube disintegrating.
Twice or three times he heard crackling sounds, like sharp detonations, from the mountains; they would be stirrings in the glaciers.
But even as he went to fire there were two sharp detonations and both mechanoids fell, large holes shot clean through their carapaces.
The hard, sharp detonations on the horizon continued.
There was a red-orange flash, followed seconds later by the sound of a sharp detonation.
The rock popped with a sharp little detonation; when Relg pulled his hand out, a shower of fragments came with it.
Just as he closed the butchery door there was a sharp detonation and objects struck the inside of the door with considerable force.
The frequent cracks were sharp detonations, carrying clearly to her ears and belly.
Well before we arrived at that front however, a second fractious murmur came up from the rear-distant, surprised shouts followed by sharp detonations.