And South Korea's export earnings could rise sharply next year because of the sharp depreciation of the won.
The sharp depreciation of Southeast Asian currencies in the last three months is already beginning to show up as an increase in Asia's volume of exports.
Indonesia's banks have already been weakened by the sharp depreciation of the rupiah.
At the very least that would lead to a sharp depreciation of the dollar, domestic inflationary pressure and a decline in living standards.
But over and above this, the UK's rate of core inflation has been higher, reflecting the earlier sharp depreciation of sterling.
The multiplicity of man-gods on the teeming sidewalks became a real bore to Michael, so that man-gods, in general, underwent a sharp depreciation.
Trouble is, the major alternative, a sharp depreciation of the ruble, would also inflict a blow to the feeble Russian economy from which it would not easily recover.
With time, the issuance of banknotes kept increasing, and during the second half of 1780s began a sharp depreciation of paper money.
It's worth shopping around for one a few years old, after the initial sharp depreciation (which can be as much as 70% over three years) has levelled.
He also said there was no change in the policy of the United States and its economic allies on the dollar, including opposition to a sharp depreciation.