A second sharp contraction of the herring fleet occurred in the years 1756-61.
A. There are a number of explanations for the sharp contraction in deal making.
A further sharp contraction of the tram network took place on 9 March 1970.
Private sector employment is also due for a sharp contraction.
Reliable statistics are scarce but the available figures portray a sharp contraction.
Like other analysts, he predicted that the government move would cause "a sharp contraction in economic activity," at least for a little while.
To be sure, the unemployment rate fell in March largely because of a sharp contraction in the labor force.
While many economists see unemployment rising slightly, few are predicting a sharp contraction in the labor market.
Last year, Britain's economy suffered its sharpest one-year contraction since the 1930's.
The sharp contraction of consumer demand was a key ingredient in the Depression.