Under terms of the settlement, eligible shareholders can make claims to a fund.
Otherwise, shareholders putting money into the market now won't make a dime.
"I have no objection when shareholders make money, too," she said, "but this turns investment in a public company into a shell game."
To this end, the shareholders made the decision to send the Enterprise.
"We don't want a scenario where general partners make one return and our shareholders make less."
Morgan Stanley's shareholders made money the moment the deal was announced.
But ironically, those shareholders who stayed with him made a lot of money.
We are confident the combination has a very strong industrial logic and shareholders will make the right decision.
The reviewers ought to be liberal in allowing shareholders, who own the companies, to make key decisions.
"The shareholders are committed to the transaction and did not make their decision based on short-term movements in the stock price," he said.