While many of Twentieth Century's plans will occur over several years, shareholders can expect some changes sooner.
Do remember that shareholders will expect regular communications on performance and future plans of the business.
Studio executives, he said, "have come to learn that shareholders expect to see returns, given the capital companies are committing to the movie business."
"Everyone's doing it, and the shareholders expect it," he said.
The shareholders aren't expecting that, so they wouldn't miss it.
"Our shareholders expect us to be a transactional company," he told analysts earlier this year.
"We're working hard to return it to a level that shareholders expect, but this issue and Tom's ownership issue are two different things," she said.
Ordinary shareholders cannot normally expect the same kind of safe, steady return on their investment as a preference holder might.
For instance, how much additional "usefulness to society" should shareholders expect if they were to give up $100 million in shareholder return?
We are encouraged by our progress and shareholders can expect to see this process continue.