Especially if that afternoon could be shared with a certain boy.
I guess I can share with a little lost boy.
Cheryl's mother explains that under ordinary circumstances, she would worry about her teenage daughter sharing a house with a boy.
Then I called home, stealing a moment to share the excitement with a boy whose hero had done it again.
Having shared a classroom with a boy or two over the course of her 11 years, Kara Benson has come to an important conclusion: "Most of them," she says, "are jerks."
They dutifully shared their microphones and witness table with a 7-year-old boy who patiently explained how cigarette smoke had worsened his asthma.
Instead, he is best recognized as a bizarre, secretive, hyper-privileged human being who believes that sharing a bed with a little boy is something to which he is entitled.
In "The Girl Games", she shares her first kiss with a mortal boy named Actaeon.
But Cleopatra had no more intention of consummating a pro forma marriage than she did of sharing power with a little boy.
"What in the world do relations between our nations have to do with sharing a bed with a boy that I didn't have all that high an opinion of in Battle School?"