The class definition is adopted to define a concept, namely: a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations, relations, and semantics.
Ties between Afghanistan and Bangladesh goes back before the emergence of their modern political borders sharing historical, cultural and trade relations.
Although regions can be somewhat difficult to delineate, they generally include countries that share a common geographic space, history, cultural affinity, and strong economic relations.
Mexico and Spain share close and warm diplomatic relations today.
Appurtenances "are its auxiliaries, which are not absolutely identified with it, but share its destiny, legal conditions and relations."
The British and Dutch armed forces share close relations.
Cross et al., (2001) confirm this by presenting six features which differentiate effective and ineffective knowledge sharing relations:
Moscow kept in regular contact with Havana, sharing varying close relations until the collapse of the bloc in 1991.
In other words, since you share the same inputs, outputs, and relations between other mental states, you are functional duplicates.
The two countries share cordial relations.