Often prostitutes were managed by pimps who collected a large share of their earnings.
Under Gorbachev's reign, the Soviet players have traveled more freely and continued to fight for a greater share of their earnings.
In the past two decades, the major internationally active financial institutions have significantly increased the share of their earnings from derivatives activities.
The bandleader was bought off with a share of the singer's future earnings, which would amount to some $7 million.
Wealthy people typically spend a smaller share of their earnings than those with less income.
Manufacturing accounts for only a small share of the country's total domestic earnings.
Among other things, it held the bulk of my hard-won mob money and a share of his own honest earnings.
Meanwhile, musicians were also rebelling, demanding a bigger share of their earnings and more control.
Churches in Denmark and Norway were therefore ordered to contribute a share of their earnings during the construction years.
Many Iranians demanded that a higher share of the company's earnings be paid.