Both industries discussed acceptable situations under which the casinos, individually or as a group, would share management of the tracks with a private racetrack operator.
The System's corporate office reinforces these efforts by sharing management and clinical knowledge, providing access to managed care plans, and offering other resources and services.
Despite their common name, they did not share management, promotional style, or talent in any way.
In 2011 he led the negotiations with Forest Heath district council which led to the two authorities sharing one chief executive and management team.
Various institutions share management of stormwater and drainage.
However, although they shared a common name, there is no indication that they shared common ownership or management.
This arrangement proved somewhat unsatisfactory, as these two agencies were, in effect, one large agency, sharing both personnel and management.
By this he means sharing management with private groups, or perhaps turning management totally over to them.
The five agencies, with about 200 employees, will share management, resources and clients including the Procter & Gamble Company.
More recently, Microsoft has taken a new approach that supports sharing management of identity services among competing companies.