While Martin had shared elvish lore with the boys before, this was the first time in Pug's memory he had spoken of his relationship to the elves.
Djody, who also has a shop in the Inter-Continental Hotel, prefers to spend his time in this antiquated store sharing his knowledge of Indonesian history and tribal lore with visitors.
The Peramangk shared much magical lore with their northern cousins the Ngadjuri, even if they did not see eye to eye on other religious matters.
We shared the love and lore of our family history, and everything else that surrounded us.
Being an inherent genre of Victorian Symbolism, modern fantastic art often shares its choice of themes such as mythology, occultism and mysticism, or lore and folklore, and generally seeks to depict the inner life (nature of soul and spirit).
It'll be a little strange, no doubt, a little inhibiting to a group of people used to sharing family jokes and lore and, yes, some barbs, at high decibel.
Some survived, grown by a small group of amateur fanciers who shared seeds and lore.
Yet over the years they all became real friends, sharing local lore and advice, farm equipment and time.