Airtouch's shares went public in 1994 at $23 and have been hovering around $30 for about two years.
The Trump Shuttle's share of the market has hovered at about 47 to 48 percent.
The company's shares have hovered between $29 and $30 recently, considerably below their 52-week high of $42.50.
Boston Scientific's share of the domestic stent market hovered around 70 percent last fall but has eroded substantially, according to analysts.
When he stepped in as the company's temporary leader in July 1997, the shares hovered around $13.
For starters, the share of Federal tax revenues in national income bounces around but almost always hovers close to 20 percent.
The foreign share, almost all of it American, has hovered between 14 and 15 percent for the last year.
Expedia's shares, for instance, have hovered in the $22 range since the hurricane hit.
Before the offer, shares of Gehl hovered at about $10.
With Google's shares hovering around $480, it no longer offers the same potential.