What matters is how the shares are faring in the marketplace.
But smaller shares fared worse.
The shares of such companies fare particularly well.
If Labour gets the biggest share then fare enough - at least it's been done fairly and not through advocacy of just a single party.
G.E.'s shares have fared worse than the stock market as a whole this year.
But shares of the company have not fared too well since then.
But the company's publicly traded shares have fared worse than its peers.
Information technology stocks rose 15.2 percent, but within high tech, the shares of consumer-oriented companies fared much better than those that sell capital equipment to businesses.
Still, pharmaceutical shares fared badly, with GlaxoSmithKline sliding 23 p to £13.29 and Shire dipping 48p to £19.62.
Just how those shares will fare in competition with the new, new issues remains to be seen.