Without a word he stretched himself upon it, and sank into restless but deep sleep through which phantoms moved silently and monstrous shapeless shadows crept.
Directly opposite the Budweiser fan, the last gunman - a sharp-edged shadow among otherwise soft shapeless shadows - had risen to his feet.
As the technician tumbled into an abyss of unconsciousness, Everson's form swam before him like a giant, shapeless shadow.
Hidden high in the crowns of trees, amid heavy foliage, an orangutan becomes a shapeless black shadow.
Above her, in the darkest corner of the marble chamber, lurked a vast shapeless shadow.
His eyes adjusted to the darkness, to the glow of dim coals, and he saw the shapeless shadow crouched over him.
But as my pulse subsided those nightmares had faded, leaving only shapeless shadows of fear.
The Master on his dais was but a shapeless shadow.
Abandoning their elven forms, they melted into shapeless shadows.
It was a shapeless, highshouldered shadow of somebody standing still, with lowered head, out of his line of sight.