Other oddly shaped spaces also needed resolutions, Rossbach believed.
Another huge expanse of territory, far more irregularly shaped than Confederacy space.
The Triangle Gallery, pertaining to its name, has been designed as a modern angular shaped space for students to show their work throughout the year.
With the stupendous powers at its command it flitted across vast tracts of irrationally shaped space, quickly, effortlessly, and above all, quietly.
Here, the corridors divide the interior into a variety of irregularly shaped spaces.
Ahead was an irregularly shaped space, a woody cave easily large enough to hold them all.
Corresponding to the frontal opening, the Qibla wall has the rectangular shaped projected space used as mihrab.
An arena is a circular or oval shaped public space.
It generally encircled the ambulation, or was constructed as a separate oval shaped space.
The firm used the Great White Way as a theme that also provided a road map around an awkwardly shaped raw space.