According to the international terrorist's atlas, Great Britain was a kidney- shaped island ringed by something called 'the M25'.
Though one regular shaped island today, Helgeandsholmen was until quite recently a set of islets.
Consequently the land was filled in to create a banana shaped island, which has resolutely failed to achieve any international iconic architectural acclaim.
It is perhaps the most curiously shaped island on the globe, with four separate peninsulas that enclose three major gulfs.
There are many irregularly shaped islands at the mouth of the inlet.
Beyond the anchor is a flagpole set in an irregularly shaped island of plants, rocks, shrubs and small trees.
Mabul Island is a small oval shaped island of 200,000 m2 ringed with sandy beaches.
Abemama is a small 'C' shaped island which encircles a lagoon.
The irregular shaped island reached a maximum length of 400 m.
Alex found himself looking down on an irregularly shaped island surrounded by turquoise water.