A black-cloaked shape had wheeled into the fringe of light from the other side of the street.
Demble gave a quick turn of the wheel as a shape like a mammoth bat wheeled into the glare of the headlights then swooped away again.
Furnace heat struck like a blow, and in the sky above, black shapes wheeled and screamed.
And then, as the inky shapes wheeled around in a tight vortex, Richard realized that the trailers of blowing sand below them weren't simply snaking and curling aimlessly in the wind, but were flowing over something that wasn't there.
The winged shapes wheeled, and stooped swiftly down, speeding back to Mordor.
Over his head wheeled the dark shapes of bats disturbed from their upside-down sleep.
Black shapes wheeled across the sky.
The sky was bright and clear, but dark shapes wheeled and dived over the fort.