As a woman excluded from formal political participation for much of her adult life, she helped other women find alternate ways to shape society.
She believed that women had a higher calling to shape children and society.
Hacking was chosen for his work on how statistics and the theory of probability have shaped society.
It was this that also inspired him to write about economic pressures and how they shape society.
It played an essential part in shaping American society even before the nation existed independently.
They find it hard to believe that people can still take God seriously and want to shape society according to his dictates.
It emphasizes that the heterogeneity of human language does much to shape people, mind and society.
We wanted to wake people up to the importance of food, to the way it shapes society and us.
Social pressure cannot be used to defeat those who shape society.
The gun can be just as much an abstraction as the word in trying to shape society.