People of the Middle Ages shaped their ideas and institutions from drawing on the cultural legacies of the ancient world.
But Mr. Yushchenko's stormy tenure as president has demonstrated that Ukraine remains deeply divided and has only begun to shape effective political institutions.
These developments speak not only to the weaknesses of a moribund system but to the enduring wisdom that shaped our own values and institutions.
A child of Byzantium, Venice exploited its ancient ties to that crossroads of Europe and Asia to build up a thriving trade in goods and ideas that shaped its art, architecture and institutions.
The defeated Tories of the Revolution became the much-respected United Empire Loyalists of Canada, the first large-scale group of English-speaking immigrants to that country, and one which inevitably did much to shape Canadian institutions and the Canadian character.
Composers like Jaroslav Kricka, Otakar Ostrcil and Ladislav Vycpalek, though obscure today, led the musical life of Prague in the first decades of the 20th century, shaping institutions and delineating the terms of aesthetic debate.
Her scholarly research focuses on how the creation of historical narratives helps to shape and define social institutions.
That being so, however, we must help to shape stable democratic institutions.
That will require us to shape global institutions, and my message to this Parliament is very clear.
In the past, Washington determined its national interest in shaping international rules, behavior and institutions.