The dance appeared to begin at the dawn of a new day, with shapes huddled on the floor as if asleep.
Outside the car, he approached the dark shape huddled on the ground.
He could see the dark hunched shapes of people huddled around in the little room.
He couldn't see faces inside, only shapes, two or three men huddled together.
Her eyes had become accustomed to the darkness and she could see him now, a black shape huddled against the opposite wall.
Two shapes huddled in the back seat, hitched up with their own equipment.
The vague shape of a body wrapped in a blanket, lying on the ground or huddled against a building.
Two indefinable shapes huddled on the sofa in the dark.
The cliff tops were full of dark, huddled shapes, impossible to tell whether Kitty was there or not.
He barely glanced at the blanketed, huddled shape in one corner.