Suddenly an enormous shape filled the window, blotting out the sunlight.
More than 70 plant species with smells, textures, shapes and sizes fill the course of the Garden.
The shape and sense of it filled his mind in a wordless knowing impossible to explain.
No light came from the corridor, for a blackened shape filled the opened portion of the doorway.
A dark shape, silhouetted against the daylight sky, filled his view.
Behind the sofa, a monstrous shape filled the gray shadows along the wall.
This led to a tremendous amount of work on learning what shapes can tile an area or fill a volume.
Through the opening, a shape filled the space, covered by a tarp.
His shape filled the space, grotesquely, as if he had rolled there in play and then gone limp.
He slowed the fiawship to a crawl now, as the black shape filled their northern view.