Black shapes crouched between the trees, and dark figures were moving slowly to and fro.
She reached out to touch the small but reassuring shape of Binabik crouched beside her.
Like a phantom of darkness, the mysterious shape approached a door and paused, crouching.
Then her eyes adjusted, and she saw the black shape crouched.
The black shape crouched at a window of the house, and two fiery eyes blazed as they peered into the room through the window.
A dark shape crouched over him in the night, blotting out the stars overhead.
An instant later he saw that it was not so; the huge shape crouched against the stone was a great furnace.
The deep black shapes of the large, fluffy couches crouched in the center of the room.
A dark shape crouched over the fire, muttering.
It showed a shape crouched in what must be a glade, suggested by a background of a few sketched trees.