The Governor's office contends that the hearing is "shameless political exploitation."
In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation.
Ethan A. Nadelmann, executive director for the Drug Policy Alliance, which favors a strategy based more on treatment, said: "This is a shameless exploitation of the war on terror.
But both evoke immense feeling - and it is that feeling that gives these icons their power, transcending mere sentiment, shameless exploitation or casual kitsch.
Andy Webster of The New York Times said, "The film would be a mere nuisance if not for its shameless exploitation of school shootings to advance its agenda."
And cessation of the shameless exploitation of animals-" "Animals aren't people!
Rejecting this analysis as "scandalous," Mr. Mobutu said, "The miseries suffered by our people come more from the shameless exploitation of our countries."
The shameless exploitation of 9/11 by the Republicans at their convention this week is just twisting the knife.
The worst abuse is China's shameless exploitation of convict labor for export production.
"I trust you realize that this is shameless exploitation."