If that was the case, he was going to take shameless advantage of the fact.
Jager took shameless advantage of his rank to push his way to the front.
Chandat took shameless advantage of their confusion.
They would not take such shameless advantage of her.
"Grade takes shameless advantage because she knows I will indulge her passion for sweets."
And who could retain a loyalty to a dynasty that ... betrayed the needs of the German people again and again for shameless private advantage.
He had taken shameless advantage of her naïveté.
I still think you're wrong about that, you understand, but I'm prepared to take shameless advantage of your wrongheadedness in this instance.
It had occurred to me that our plans involved taking shameless advantage of Quigley's gullibility.
He knew that he had taken shameless advantage of Heihachiro Nogura's decency.