She still hadn't been much use-that shameful memory was real-but other good guys had ridden to the rescue in a big black SUV.
I suppose they want to avoid the shameful memory of the hateful abuse heaped on American military personnel by protesters during the Vietnam era.
However often he said to himself that he was in no way to blame, this memory, on a par with other shameful memories of the same sort, made him start and blush.
Oddly enough, he felt less upset than he had thought he would, at having the shameful memory so explicitly recalled.
But tonight even that shameful memory was replaced by more recent and more disquieting visions.
President Reagan will not be in the race, and maybe by then even Iran will be no more than a shameful memory.
Caranx to him now was only a dulled, shameful memory.
Laurentia will be ours, and the Rostovs will be but a shameful memory from Satan's time.
But he also criticized the author for not fully exploring "shameful Irish memories, such as Irish racism and anti-Semitism."