The mafioso felt his bowels begin to loosen, clenched his knees against the shameful legacy of childhood, biting back the sudden fear that wrapped around his heart.
He had to suffer in the beginning from the shameful legacies of the preceding regime.
The N.F.L. has an ugly and shameful legacy when it comes to black quarterbacks, which affects its perception of black athletes who play the position.
It likewise continues Japan's shameful legacy of threatening peaceful protest.
McCarran-Walter, one of the shameful legacies of the McCarthy era, contains 33 listed grounds for excluding alien visitors or migrants.
Under McCarran-Walter, a shameful legacy of the McCarthy era, these political undesirables are not assured of the opportunity to contest the grounds for their exclusion.
The shameful legacy of Mr. Zarqawi and his collaborators should have been buried with him.
That Labour abandoned the unacademic is surely one of its most shameful legacies.
This shameful legacy is plainly visible today in statistics showing that black people represent 40 percent of the disenfranchisement cases but only about 12 percent of the national population.
Until this very morning, Spock had been certain that he had finally and fully exorcised his human half and its shameful emotional legacies.