Another shameful episode revolved around my short-lived attempt to set up a pop band with some friends.
But Georgia should do whatever it takes to give justice to all of the people affected by this shameful episode.
It had been a shameful episode, the kind kept on the mind's darkest shelves, brought forth and examined only rarely, if ever.
After the messy and shameful episodes when they'd trigger the device, it took a long time under the water to feel clean again.
Judge Gesell called the break-in "a shameful episode in the history of the country."
It was regarded as a shameful episode by every dweller on the planet.
Nicholas, do not keep reminding me of that shameful episode.
It was one of the most shameful episodes in the history of American foreign policy.
This is a shameful episode, and the silence of the French authorities is scandalous.
It would also help put an end to one of the most shameful episodes in American electoral history.