The Shadow's agents, too, were spreading; the fray had been as futile as a sham battle.
The Shadow spotted the deadly trio and ended his sham battle with the servants, scattering them with a whirling fling.
However, once the congress was open authorities realized that the average person attending the Exposition wanted to see dances, games, races, ceremonials and sham battles.
Lord Kyndreth's speculative expression gave Kyrtian the thrill of excitement that the sham battle had not.
Frequent festivals with sham battles, fireworks, concerts, and dances enlivened the community.
Steele argues that the never-ending discussion of race relations is, far too often, a sham battle of empty rhetoric.
I'm using this big sham battle we are planning for big promotion.
With all the noise, confusion, and clashing of arms, it might have been a sham battle.
At North Point the militia units would have a sham battle.
The occasional musket ball fired during the sham battle produced additional fatalities.