The inlets along the coast and the shallow waterways behind the barrier islands were havens for pirates.
The elvers were swarming into the Saefern Sea and slithering up the shallow waterways of the swamp where they were being netted in abundance.
Rills form as the initial signs of erosion as shallow waterways on an exposed slope.
A NOAA report cites low oxygen levels as a major problem in shallow waterways and coastal areas worldwide.
A shallow (1.3 m) navigable waterway already exists there.
It is only separated from Bock by narrow, shallow waterways.
It grows in marshes and readily invades canals and other shallow waterways, sometimes becoming a nuisance.
Most of its impact occurs in the shallow waterways.
Southern side (mud flat) separates the lagoon from adjacent sea that also leaves a permanent mouth of lagoon with seasonally opened shallow waterways.
The southern mudflat separates the lagoon from the adjacent sea that leaves a permanent mouth of lagoon with seasonally opened shallow waterways.