Two reefs mark the shallowest spots of the bank, but they are still submerged at low tide.
We soon approached a shallow spot in the creek, where it was apparent Buster could wade out and grab us.
One bunch ran northeast, and a second charged across thePecos , where a shallow spot kept them from having to swim.
He fell to the floor of the shop, wailing, clutching at a shallow but wide-open spot in his left pectoral.
Fortunately, the ocean is not yet warm enough to do that, and it will reach such temperatures only at shallow spots later in the summer.
Trouble was, he was pretty sure that there was no shallow spot for fording the river between where he'd left them and here.
There were a lot of shallow spots in the waters below.
I sit on the sandy bottom of the lake, in a shallow spot that wets my shorts and half my T-shirt.
The current isn't bad in that one wide, shallow spot.
With a shallow spot on the river that was already inhabited by trading partners, the location was ideal for a settlement.