Ripples travel from the left and pass over a shallower region inclined at an angle to the wavefront.
The benthos in a shallow region will have more available food than the benthos in the deep sea.
For centuries, people have mined the sea's shallow regions.
It feeds on invertebrates and algae, and prefers shallow coastal regions.
They dream of being able to spend substantial periods of time underwater; of finding shallow regions and building structures on the ocean bottom.
The nix froze the water; the mare scrambled up on top of it, as here in the shallower region the freezing was solid.
This was done in shallow regions were direct placement was possible.
Between these two maxima there is a lower frequency of depths representing the more shallow regions of the oceans.
D. lumholtzi is typically found in the warm, shallow regions of bodies of water with larger surface areas.
At low tide it is still possible to see the shallow region where the bullocks made the crossing of the Brunswick River.