Meanwhile, the other two shook rattles and brandished, not weapons, but brightly painted rawhide shields.
Two others, near him, also with roaches of feathers, shaking rattles, joined him.
Babies and toddlers cooed, shook rattles and cried without anyone's taking much notice.
In others, they shook feathered rattles and struck gourds against the floor.
In several episodes of "Iyaya," dancers became part of the percussion music by shaking rattles and beating out rhythms with their feet.
When a fire was detected, they shook wooden rattles to alert townspeople.
However, it is the two large statues of simian figures shaking rattles (see fig.)
A plotless piece called "Konkogbessia" required the dancers to shake little rattles while swaying.
Once they are in place, 20 men known as beaters come up gingerly behind the birds, waving flags and shaking rough-hewn wooden rattles.
The native dancers were shaking wooden rattles in rhythm with the drums.