A lieutenant is standing in a shady patch, waiting for them.
In a shady patch of the garden's parking lot stands another everblooming cherry with only a sprinkling of flowers.
Shade-loving impatiens, for example, have their own shady patch.
Be sure to wander to the rooftop where you'll find a shady patch of grass under the grove of trees.
At the time, Hagler was being interviewed on a shady patch of lawn.
He couldn't see the trailer in the grove until he turned into the initial shady patch of trees.
This ubiquitous plant takes advantage of shady patches of ground and thrives where there is a hint of soil moisture.
It was cold up here, dark and crusty old ' piled in shady patches everywhere.
It prefers shady patches.
The officer, who gave his name as Park, lay idly on a shady patch of sand a few dozen yards from the border.