Visitors can watch from the grandstand or from the shady lawns with a picnic.
Swimming: A lovely outdoor pool, with children's area and shady lawns for sunbathing.
The expansion has wrought wider sea vistas, a 60- by 30-foot pool and landscaping that offers guests the option of sitting on a shady lawn.
Down in the parade ground once more, he walked across it to the northernmost barracks building, then onto the shady lawn of officers' country.
A locus amoenus is usually a beautiful, shady lawn or open woodland, sometimes with connotations of Eden.
Above all, you can stroll through the shady lawns, where the bunch of bougainvillea will bend down to greet you.
Actually, Pitts Landing wasn't much different from a lot of small towns with quiet streets of shady lawns and comfortable, old houses.
He led the way to the patio at the back overlooking the shady lawn.
The fashionable bluegrasses should be used for sunny areas, while for shady lawns, a group of fine fescues is best.
Today the courthouse square is a quiet, shady lawn, and the waterfront is a peaceful spot for watching the sunset over the bay.