She struggled to rouse herself fully, but her awaking awareness seemed adrift, bobbing in a vast shadowy sea.
As we watched it the fog-wreaths came crawling round both corners of the house and rolled slowly into one dense bank, on which the upper floor and the roof floated like a strange ship upon a shadowy sea.
Through the dim ravine of the Calacirya fogs drifted in from the shadowy seas and mantled its towers, and the lamp of the Mindon burned pale in the gloom.
There it seemed to Frodo that he descried far off, floating as it were on a shadowy sea, the high dim tops and broken pinnacles of old towers forlorn and dark.
They lurked beneath the surface of the physical reality around her like serpents in a shadowy sea.
A summer-night silence which lay for a thousand miles, which covered the earth like a white and shadowy sea.
Touched with gold and red the autumn trees seemed to be sailing rootless in a shadowy sea.