All his work is designed to illustrated non-existent, shadowy social groups, engaged in ambiguous activity.
Scholarly attention has been paid to identifying this shadowy group.
A2 Damascus is a city of shadowy groups and political exiles.
The rebels, who are fighting for an independent state in Kosovo, were a shadowy group whose existence was disputed even a few months ago.
Curt made a frantic mental effort to break free, to at- tempt somehow to attack the shadowy group.
A very shadowy group then went to the Racer family.
The Eskimos advanced without a sound and stopped in a shadowy group twenty paces from the cabin.
After the Tokyo attack, government investigators around the world raced to learn more about the shadowy group.
Tim takes the video to the current American president and explains what he knows about the shadowy group of government insiders.
The patrons, almost all fearsome Arabs, sit in small shadowy groups around the room.