The sun had dropped below the surrounding buildings, and shadows streaked the square.
Intense black shadows streaked die window as the tall pine near the front of the house was illuminated as if by some celestial spotlight.
She looked down at the darkspell around her and saw the shadow streaked with fissures of light.
Long shadows streaked the land, making weird shapes of the windblown rocks around them.
A shadow streaked across the roof, and Keen fired once.
Big shadows streaked the walls, elongating and wavering; the candle flames seemed sucked toward the window by the back-draft of the wind.
A shadow on the ground, streaking lesser shadows.
Her shadow streaked across the ground below as she flattened the dive.
Their trouble was they couldn't find a target in this dim garage where the shadows of their own stolen cars streaked the floor.
Their double and triple shadows streaked across the floor and benches.