Oldman gives a deliciously delicate, shaded performance, flitting in and out of the wings like some darting grey lizard.
This is underscored by other, interestingly shaded performances that find the steel in traditionally spineless characters.
How to subtly swagger has to be seen in Dep Kirkland's many shaded performance as Jack.
He's very fine, which isn't half as unexpected as the equally shaded performance delivered by Mr. Rush, who also has the chewiest, densest role.
His carefully shaded performance may be many things, but it is never truly scary.
Cindy Katz gives a wonderfully shaded performance as Myra.
Contrast Michael Douglas's melodrama with Bill Paterson's marvelously shaded performance as Lithgow.
The point is made on her soon-to-be-released first album, which puts a subtly shaded performance of Ravel's Violin Sonata alongside modernist music.
She almost manages to pull it off, helped notably by finely shaded performances from others in the ensemble.
His carefully shaded performance melds the arrogance of new prosperity with the broadening, unwanted emergence of a wider world view.